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Intex vs Coleman Hot Tub Comparison Review


Comparison Table

INTEX 28425E PureSpa Bubble...
Intex 28431E PureSpa Plus 85" x 28"...
Coleman SaluSpa AirJet 4 to 6...
Coleman SaluSpa Ponderosa AirJet 2...
77″ x 28″
85" x 28"
71″ x 28″
71″ x 26″
57″ inner
65″ inner
50″ inner
177 (80-percent filled)
Pump with heating
Bubble Jets
Thermal ground cloth
Two cartridge filters
floating chlorine dispenser
floating chlorine dispenser
chemconnect dispenser
chemconnect dispenser
Test strip
3-way test strip
3-way test strip
Inflation hose
Carry bag
Head rest
Multi-color LED light
Repair patch
INTEX 28425E PureSpa Bubble...
77″ x 28″
57″ inner
Pump with heating
Bubble Jets
Thermal ground cloth
Two cartridge filters
floating chlorine dispenser
Test strip
3-way test strip
Inflation hose
Carry bag
Head rest
Multi-color LED light
Repair patch
Intex 28431E PureSpa Plus 85" x 28"...
85" x 28"
65″ inner
Pump with heating
Bubble Jets
Thermal ground cloth
Two cartridge filters
floating chlorine dispenser
Test strip
3-way test strip
Inflation hose
Carry bag
Head rest
Multi-color LED light
Repair patch
Coleman SaluSpa AirJet 4 to 6...
71″ x 28″
177 (80-percent filled)
Pump with heating
Bubble Jets
Thermal ground cloth
Two cartridge filters
chemconnect dispenser
Test strip
Inflation hose
Carry bag
Head rest
Multi-color LED light
Repair patch
Coleman SaluSpa Ponderosa AirJet 2...
71″ x 26″
50″ inner
Pump with heating
Bubble Jets
Thermal ground cloth
Two cartridge filters
chemconnect dispenser
Test strip
Inflation hose
Carry bag
Head rest
Multi-color LED light
Repair patch

Main Differences Between the Models

  • Firstly, due to different dimensions, the spas are suitable for a different number of people. The first three models, – Intex PureSpa 4-Person, Intex PureSpa 6-Person, and Coleman SaluSpa, – are the biggest pools for up to 6 people. Coleman SaluSpa Miami tub is for 4 people only.
  • Purchasing different tubs, you’ll get a different number of jets and varying intensity of the hydro massage. They are 120, 170, 114, and 120 jets, respectively.
  • The next important difference connected with jets is the presence of the jet flow control in both Coleman spas. They are the only that allow users to adjust the water pressure.
  • Unlike the Intex spas, the Coleman pumps come with the Power Saving Timer. It means you can program your pump and heating for up to 72 hours work and reset the timer every 3 days if necessary.
  • Pumps offer one more slight difference. They all have built-in digital screens for easy control over the tub systems. But while the Intex models have these screens separately on the top of the stand attached to the pump, the Colemans have integrated displays directly into the pump top panel.
  • Finally, there are a lot of differences in the kits of each spa. We’ll discuss them all later, and now we’d only like to note that the Intex tubs come with thermal ground cloths and carry bags. The Colemans do not have any.
  • though being for 4 people, it’s big enough for 6
  • durable materials and solid construction
  • easy installation
  • easy temperature regulation through the control panel
  • energy-saving
  • comes with a protective and heat-trapping cover
  • comes with a protective thermal ground cloth
  • includes necessary pump, heater, two filters, and a floating chlorine dispenser
  • a built-in drain valve
  • handles and carry bag for transportation
  • lovely design

  • weak pump that lasts for several months only
  • weak filters
  • slow water heating
  • needs constant heating

  • up to 6 people capacity
  • puncture-resistant durable materials
  • Fiber-Tech reinforced construction
  • easy temperature regulation through the control panel
  • ready to use within 20 minutes
  • improved 170 bubble jets
  • an insulated cover and a thermal ground cloth included
  • two head rests
  • multi-color LED light
  • includes necessary pump, heater, two filters, and a floating chlorine dispenser
  • a built-in drain valve
  • handles and a carry bag for transportation
  • lovely design

  • weak pump and filters
  • slow water heating
  • needs constant heating
  • noisy operation

  • puncture-resistant Tritech material
  • durable Beam construction
  • powerful multi-functional pump
  • easy temperature regulation
  • adjustable jet flow
  • Power Saving Timer for 72 hours
  • Coleman SaluSpa cover
  • two cartridge filters and a chemconnect dispenser
  • a built-in drain valve
  • handles for easy transportation
  • lovely design
  • quick installation

  • Power Saving Timer requires regular temperature resetting
  • no ground cloth
  • regular filter cleaning
  • it may be difficult to find chlorine and bromine tablets of a proper size

  • suitable for 4 people
  • puncture-resistant Tritech material
  • durable Beam construction
  • powerful multi-functional pump
  • easy temperature regulation
  • adjustable jet flow
  • Power Saving Timer for 72 hours
  • Coleman SaluSpa cover
  • two cartridge filters and a chemconnect dispenser
  • a built-in drain valve
  • cushioned floor
  • a repair patch
  • handles for easy transportation
  • lovely design
  • quick installation

  • Power Saving Timer requires regular temperature resetting
  • no ground cloth
  • regular filter cleaning
  • it may be difficult to find chlorine and bromine tablets of a proper size


Surely, accessories are just additional things that make your maintenance and usage simpler. Still, they help us save some money and a lot of effort.
To get a clear understanding of the accessory sets in each hot tub, let’s list them separately.

Intex PureSpa 4-Person hot tub includes:

Intex PureSpa 4-Person

  • a pump with heating;
  • an insulated cover;
  • a thermal ground cloth;
  • two cartridge filters;
  • a floating chlorine dispenser;
  • 3-way test strip;
  • an inflation hose;
  • a carry bag;

Intex PureSpa 6-person hot tub comes with:

Intex PureSpa 6-person

  • a pump with heating;
  • an insulated cover;
  • a thermal ground cloth;
  • two cartridge filters;
  • a floating chlorine dispenser;
  • 3-way test strip;
  • an inflation hose;
  • a carry bag;
  • two head rests;
  • a multi-color LED light;

Coleman SaluSpa hot tub has:

Coleman SaluSpa

  • a pump with heating;
  • an insulated cover;
  • two cartridge filters;
  • a chemconnect dispenser;
  • an inflation hose;

Coleman SaluSpa Miami hot tub features:

Coleman SaluSpa Miami

  • a pump with heating;
  • an insulated cover;
  • two cartridge filters;
  • a chemconnect dispenser;
  • an inflation hose;
  • a floor cushion;
  • a repair patch;


Hi! I wonder how long inflatable spas last. I mean actually, in real life. I don’t really trust in inflatable products and for me it would be a pity to pay $600-$700 to throw them away a year later. Thanks!


The REAL Review:

Compared to a typical $5000 hot tub and the professional repair costs associated with minor or MAJOR maintenance and utilities that can run into the THOUSANDS per year, most inflatable tubs at around $500 give you similar features at 1/10th the cost.

ALL SPAS WILL HAVE ISSUES (So make sure you have a warranty or have recourse)

We purchased an Intex 4 person spa (For $300 on clearance) and let it continuously run for 6 months before the impeller shaft on the pump gave out. Within the warranty, they sent us a replacement pump. 6 months later, it cost $10 to buy a replacement impeller shaft/blade and about 10 minutes to replace in the pump. So $20 and 30 min a year with a screwdriver and provided tools and you are good to go. (On Amazon Active Aqua AAPWIMP400 400 GPH Pump Replacement Impeller — but this may differ depending on the model you are using. Check the shaft length of the impeller in your pump when the warranty runs out.)

An INTEX inflatable cover, in summer heat can expand and split internal seams — DO NOT INFLATE FULLY. Inflate to about 60% at room temp. (It took 3-4 weeks for customer service to replace this part but it was within warranty and no additional cost.)

We didn’t screw around with fancy chemicals to “balance the PH”. Just change out the water every 2 weeks, rinse the filters and keep bromine tabs in the floatie. I believe 210 gallons costs $1.50. PH balancing chemicals cost more than just refilling the tub.

After 3 years of almost daily 4 season use, we put the product to rest as we were unable to purchase some electronic replacement parts from Intex because those components and the tub had been discontinued.


I own Coleman 4 person (about half an year by now). So we also never inflate it fully. It’s much safer just to add some air once in two-three days. No issues with seams. Wonder how long it will last but 6 months after the purchase the tub looks pretty nice I should say.

Marcus Robertson

Hi, Paul! Thank you very much for sharing your experience with our audience.


I’m curious of the Coleman Saluspa Miami pump will fit a Coleman Saluspa Havana tub?

Marcus Robertson

The compatibility of the Coleman Saluspa Miami pump with the Coleman Saluspa Havana tub can vary, but in general, it is best to use the pump that is specifically designed for the tub you have. It is recommended to consult the manufacturer or check the product specifications for your specific models to determine compatibility.

Markus Robertson

Hello, Ethan! Thank you for your question, it’s a truly important moment for all customers. Unfortunately, inflatable products are not as durable as their vinyl, plastic or acrylic brothers. However, with proper grounding, maintenance, and winterization, manufacturers guarantee us at least 3 years of usage. Please pay attention to the warranty your brand provides for the product as well as to the presence of repair kits. These will help you ensure your investment and prolong the hot tub’s life.

Charlotte Byrne

Hi! Thanks a lot, the review is great. I live in a cold region and wonder whether inflatable hot tubs can be used during winter and cold seasons in general? If so, should I choose any particular models, or they all fit?

Markus Robertson

Hello, Charlotte! Thank you so much for your question! Though inflatable tubs are not as durable as stationary ones, they can work at temperatures below zero. Any model of those discussed in the review will suit you. However, you should keep water constantly heated inside it to ensure the tub’s proper operation.


Hi! Do inflatable hot tubs deflate like pools and mattresses? Will I have to inflate it from time to time? And if so, how often should I do it? Thanks.

Marcus Robertson

Hello, Rita! Thank you very much for your question! Indeed, all inflatable products need to be inflated from time to time. The frequency depends on how often you use the tub and whether it has punctures or not. We’d recommend inflating a hot tub at least once per week for rare use and every three days for frequent use.

Jack Orman

Is the chemical dispenser really efficient? I mean, will it compare with chemical systems installed in big pools? Hot water seems to provoke more bacteria)

Marcus Robertson

Hello, Jack! Thank you very much for your question! Chemical dispensers and floating systems are quite efficient for small and medium-sized pools as well as hot tubs. Water flow disperses chemicals all over the reservoir. The main thing is to change chemical tablets regularly.

Ann Batry

Are hot tubs safe for kids in terms of depth?

Marcus Robertson

Hello, Ann! Thank you very much for your question! Hot tubs are not very deep, so they are suitable for teenagers and kids over 8 years old. However, please mind that high temperatures may destructively affect a child’s health. So, please never leave your kids unattended when in the hot tub, and don’t allow them to stay in for longer than 10 minutes. Also, pay attention that hot tubs are strictly prohibited for babies and toddlers.


Hello, I have a large hole in my Coleman Hot tub. I need just the circle pool part. Can I hook up my Coleman pump to the intex or other portable hot tubs?

Marcus Robertson

Hello, Conni! Thank you very much for your question! The manufacturer does not recommend using other brands’ product parts for repair and replacement. Please, try to contact the Coleman user’s support service or get a new Coleman portable hot tub (the same model you own).

Laura F.

Hi! Are inflatable hot tubs compatible with any automatic cleaners (like for pools)?

Marcus Robertson

Hi, Laura! Thank you very much for your question. Inflatable hot tubs allow manual cleaning only and are not compatible with automatic pool cleaners.


Hello, Marcus and the team! Thank you for your reviews, great job! I have a question) Are hot tubs safe for pets?) I want to get a tub but I guess my dog will not let me sit here alone oops

Marcus Robertson

Hi, Marisa! Thank you very much for kind words and your question! Frankly speaking, hot tubs are not recommended for pets as well as for small kids since high water temperatures may badly influence their health. Moreover, inflatable models will not last long under the impact of claws. That’s why we’d recommend you to enjoy your hot tub alone. Sorry)

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