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Dolphin Liberty 200 and 300 have the same appearance; they have some different features that are essential to know to make the right decision during purchase.
As you see, the Dolphin Liberty 200 lacks essential features, and the prices of both models are not drastically different. Further, we will explore the benefits of both models and check in detail the differences listed in this section.
Dolphin Liberty 200 has pre-set algorithms of cleaning that it customizes based on your swimming pool – its size and shape.
No, Dolphin Liberty 200 does not support it.
The Liberty series is the first cordless Dolphin model. The other models in the series are the 200 and 400, where the Liberty 200 is a basic model. They differ by included features; the 300 model is in the middle. The main difference of Liberty 300 is a clicker for removing from the water; it has several cycles (including unique eco-mode) to choose from with a mode selector.
The gross weight of Dolphin Liberty 300 is 26 pounds.
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