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Hayward Aquanaut 200 Cleaner Swimming Pools Review

Hayward Aquanaut 200 Introduction

Swimming can be one of the best and most effective ways to relax and have some great time with your family and friends; it can also be the worst when the swimming pool is in a mess. Good hygiene can be a hard thing to achieve if you don’t have the best machine or equipment to clean up the messes. Being a homeowner with a swimming pool requires utilization of the best equipment on the market to ensure your pool is always clean and ready for use.

Hayward Aquanaut 200 Introduction

Let me introduce to you the Hayward Aquanaut 200 just known as the Aquanaut 200, the best suction equipment to use in cleaning up a dirty pool. Aquanaut 200 is two-wheeled equipment that is an all purpose when it comes to cleaning of the pool, and it is so efficient. It fully covers the shallow ends, the deep ends as well as the pool’s walls.


Aquanaut 200 pool cleaner is a 2-wheel drive machine that uses av-flex technology (a metal detection technology that uses two microcontrollers located on one inside the control box and another one inside the coil) when cleaning the pool. According to a preview by the Hayward Company, the v-flex maximizes power at any flow and allows easy passage of debris. Aquanaut 200 has an internal steering power which ensures that it covers all the areas of the pool. The Hayward Aquanaut has a minimum pump size of 1/2 HP or 35 gpm which makes it efficient in generating enough pressure to clean the pool.

Best suction equipment to use in cleaning up a dirty pool

The aquanaut 200 has an Automatic skimmer vacuum plate. This accessory according to Hayward preview alternates between vacuuming and skimming with each cycle of filtration that is timed. It also has a capacity leaf/debris canister that is ruggedly built and has filters which are used to trap debris and leaves (as the name suggests) which ensure there is no clogging in the filtration systems. The aquanaut has tires that are well patented, and an adjustable roller skirt which enables it to move easily and maintaining the suctions even when it is obstructed.

How does it work?

This aquanaut is easy to use and easy to install. To install you should follow these simple guidelines.

Hayward Aquanaut 200 how to use?

Connect the hose to make longer and long enough to reach the whole pool area.
Attach the hose to the cleaner.

Lower the cleaner into the water, while the pump is running take the end of the hose with the adjusted regulator valve and hold it to the regulator fitting to expunge all air in the hose.

Connect the suction to the skimmer, designated threaded suction or the directly into the vac lock.
Switch the pump power back on.

Adjusting the cleaner

For the cleaner to work properly, the revolution per minute should be between 11 and 14. If the cleaner is not within the range, there are two ways of adjusting it. First is by adjusting the bypass valve; screw the top of your bypass hence less water which increases the revolution per min (RPM) speed. If it is all the way in and the RPM is still below 11 adjust the 3-way valve for more suction, or you should opt to clean the filters.

Secondly, you can adjust the suction flow. This is done by adjusting the amount of flow from the suction or the skimmer line to obtain a proper flow.

Servicing the cleaner

Turbine blades; they have to be placed in the turbine hub at a certain direction. This is similar to a wave breaker and is placed towards the front of the cleaner. Put them in a convex shape, and at the back, they should be concave.

Hayward Aquanaut 200 Servicing the cleaner

Tires; they should be replaced when they are worn out to the tread wear indicators, and if you don’t see them you are past them.

Pros and cons of the Hayward Aquanaut 200

  • It is easy to use.
  • Aquanaut 200 is easy to install once you have purchased it from the store.
  • It is cheap compared to other suction cleaning machines with similar capabilities.
  • Ideal for use with variable speed pumps.
  • It has the ability to maintain suction on uneven obstacles and surfaces.
  • The multiple steering sequences ensure complete pool coverage.
  • It cleans all types of pool surfaces whether concrete, vinyl, or fiberglass
  • It requires a lot of adjustments, as failure to it will malfunction.
  • The flappers falls off easily, and it requires a lot of maintenance
  • It only works on a small pool size of about 16’ by 13’
  • The drive sequence is lower compared to the aquanaut 400.
  • It has a small hose length compared to the other suction machines.
  • What is included in the Aquanaut 200

The Hayward Company ensures the turbine vanes are not fixed; they are put in in such a way that they are flexible. This means that they can flex to let in bigger debris without stopping the turbines. They also are fitted with five programmed turns which go between the ranges of 90 to 450 degrees, and it moves 9 feet before it executes a turn by reversing the left wheel.

Does it work in an above ground swimming pool?

They have different sizes suction inlets and are 3 in number, the small inlet, the medium inlet and the large inlet. The small inlet is used when the pool pump is small or when it is a low flow variable speed pump. Insert the medium inlet when the flow is normal and use the large inlet when you have a large high flow pool pump.

Does it work in an above ground swimming pool?

No is the appropriate answer; the aquanaut 200 pool cleaner only works on inground swimming pools.

The price of this product varies from one marketplace to the other. We have sampled some of the prices you will get.


I have put all the advantage and the disadvantage of the machine, if you like what I have outlined, you should check it out and buy if not, you should consider checking other Hayward products.

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