Hayward Navigator vs Aquanaut Face to Face comparison
Author: Marcus Robertson
Comparison Table
Package dimensions LxWxH
40.4 x 13.6 x 11.9 inches
40.4 x 13.6 x 11.9 inches
17.71 pounds
21.2 pounds
White and dark blue
White, black, and dark blue
Pool Type
Inground all types and shapes
Inground all types and shapes
Pool Sizes
Up to 20' x 40'
Up to 20' x 40'
Pool Surface
Concrete, Gunite, Vinyl, Fiberglass, Tile, Pebble
Motor type
Turbine-drive system
4-wheel turbine drive
Suction power
Determined by an existing filtration pump, not less than 1 HP
Determined by an existing filtration pump, not less than 1/2 HP
Filtration System
No filtration system, all sucked debris and dirt goes to the pool filtration system
No separate bags in the package; all collected debris goes to the filtration system
Hose length
Vertical surface cleaning
Water surface cleaning
Pre-programmed cleaning with Exclusive SmartDrive and Aquapilot steering technology
Pre-programmed Internal Steering system
Powered from hose connection to existing pool’s filtration system
Powered from hose connection to existing pool’s filtration system
Additional feature
Two plastic flaps on the left and right sides
Four wheels with rubber tires
Two years limited warranty
Two years limited warranty
Package dimensions LxWxH
40.4 x 13.6 x 11.9 inches
17.71 pounds
White and dark blue
Pool Type
Inground all types and shapes
Pool Sizes
Up to 20' x 40'
Pool Surface
Motor type
Turbine-drive system
Suction power
Determined by an existing filtration pump, not less than 1 HP
Filtration System
No filtration system, all sucked debris and dirt goes to the pool filtration system
Hose length
Vertical surface cleaning
Water surface cleaning
Pre-programmed cleaning with Exclusive SmartDrive and Aquapilot steering technology
Powered from hose connection to existing pool’s filtration system
Additional feature
Two plastic flaps on the left and right sides
Two years limited warranty
Package dimensions LxWxH
40.4 x 13.6 x 11.9 inches
21.2 pounds
White, black, and dark blue
Pool Type
Inground all types and shapes
Pool Sizes
Up to 20' x 40'
Pool Surface
Concrete, Gunite, Vinyl, Fiberglass, Tile, Pebble
Motor type
4-wheel turbine drive
Suction power
Determined by an existing filtration pump, not less than 1/2 HP
Filtration System
No separate bags in the package; all collected debris goes to the filtration system
Hose length
Vertical surface cleaning
Water surface cleaning
Pre-programmed Internal Steering system
Powered from hose connection to existing pool’s filtration system
Additional feature
Four wheels with rubber tires
Two years limited warranty
Main Difference Between the Models
- Hayward Aquanaut has four wheels with rubber tires for movement and stability, and Hayward Navigator has two plastic flaps.
- Hayward Aquanaut can be used in all types of surfaces of swimming pools, Hayward Navigator W3925ADC only for concrete ones.
- For the installation of Hayward Navigator, a special regulator for adjusting the water flow between the skimmer cup and the first section of the hose should be used.
For both models, there available other Hayward models that will be good for other types of pools.
- Hayward W3925 is available in three types – for concrete (gunite), vinyl or fiberglass pools. Also, on the market, it is presented an upgraded version significantly more expensive with similar functionality for professional cleaners – Hayward 925ADC.
- Hayward Aquanaut W3PHS41CST is available with four or two wheels (Hayward W3PHS21CST Aquanaut 200), the difference is in the steering wheel that allows the two-wheel model to turn more often and in the number of wheels. The four-wheel model is more stable and is designed for larger pools 8 ft or more profound.
Detailed Product Reviews
- No booster pump is required
- Connected to existing filtration system with a pump
- Can clean walls
- No maintenance
- Easy installation
- Powerful turbine for effective suction of debris and dirt
- Programmable system for full coverage of pools in every shape
- Three types of suction inlets
- No booster pump is required
- One cleaner for different types of pool surfaces
- Can clean walls
- No maintenance
- Connection to the existing filtration system
- Only one changeable part – rubber tires (every 12-18 months)
- No noise during operation