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The key difference lies in their cleaning capabilities and coverage. The Dolphin Advantage is designed to clean the floor, walls, and waterline of your pool, providing comprehensive coverage. In contrast, the Dolphin Escape focuses solely on cleaning the pool floor and features SmartNav technology for precise navigation. Additionally, the Advantage offers automatic cleaning cycle programming, while the Escape is known for its lightweight design and energy-efficient motors.
The Dolphin Advantage is the better choice for irregularly shaped pools. Its ability to clean walls and the waterline ensures thorough cleaning regardless of the pool’s shape. The Dolphin Escape is more suited for pools with a flat, standard floor and doesn’t perform as well in tackling complex surfaces.
The Dolphin Escape uses a cartridge filtration system designed to capture small debris and dirt effectively. The Dolphin Advantage also features a cartridge system, but its advanced filtration is better equipped to handle both larger debris and finer particles, such as dust and sand.
Both models are highly energy-efficient, but the Dolphin Escape consumes slightly less energy due to its simpler functionality and lighter build. The Dolphin Advantage, while consuming a bit more energy, covers a larger cleaning area, making it more cost-effective for pools that require extensive maintenance.
For pools with heavy debris and dirt, the Dolphin Advantage is the better option. It can tackle grime on the pool floor, walls, and waterline, providing a more thorough clean. The Dolphin Escape is ideal for maintaining cleaner pools or managing light to moderate debris on the pool floor.
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